Rituel lll 2003 – 2004
Collaborative dance and new music performance with composer Hi Kyung Kim (USA), dancer Ae Ju Lee (Korea) and media artist Elliot Anderson (USA).
Approximate total running time for performance: 47:00
Rituel III is a multi-media collaboration between composer Hi Kyung Kim, dancer Ae Ju Lee, and multi-media artist Elliot Anderson. The themes of this work are transformation and transcendence represented through the progression of seasons beginning with summer and ending with spring. These themes are expressed visually through the use video images of landscape and nature that are made ethereal through the interaction of the dancer. The sets for the performance are comprised large screen video projection created by combining in a computer live video feed of the dancer from a camera on stage and digital video clips in real-time. The computer transforms the dancer’s image into clouds of color and movement, which is then combined with video of landscape to create a painterly image. The sets dynamically change throughout the performance following the text of the music and movement of the dancer creating narrative reflecting the change of season. Participants for the performance are Aeju Lee (Dancer/Choreographer, Korean National Intagible Treasure #27 in Buddhist Dance), Jeong Seung Kim (Daegeum; Bamboo flute; National Center for Korean Traditional Performing Arts), Chan-Hae Lee (Korean percussion; Professor at Yonsei University) UCSC faculty in art department, Elliot Anderson (multi-media), Nicole Paiement (conductor), Brian Staufenbiel (voice, stage director), John Sackett (clarinet), William Winant (percussion), Jean-Michel Fonteneau (cello; chair of string department, San Francisco Conservatory of Music) and Sylvie Vray (lighting Artist). UCSC student, Phoenix Toews (multi-media assistant).