Elliot Anderson: Artwork with collage background

natural history

Project description


Natural History, Gallery 16, SF, CA. 2007

CAMS, Natural History, Icelandic Houses, Aqua Art Fair in conjunction with Art Basel Miami. Miami, Fl. 2007, 2006

CAMS, Natural History, Icelandic Houses, AAF Art Fair. New York, NY. 2007, 2006

CAMS, Icelandic Houses, Natural History, Art LA Los Angeles International Contemporary Art Fair.  Los Angeles, CA 2007, 22006, 005

Natural History Artist Book

These images are digital photographs of the backgrounds of the dioramas at New York’s Museum of Natural History. The dioramas display animal and human figures in various poses in front of painted backdrops that referenced natural or historical landscapes. I was struck by the forms and styles of landscape painting in these dioramas The colors and style of painting are reminiscent of the work of 19th century artists like the Impressionist painters. I photographed these images by cropping out the animal or human figures in the diorama to create my own landscapes.