Just Be yourself
Just Be Yourself 1998
Video, sound and computer installation controlled by genetic program
This piece is a video installation based on the concepts behind cloning. The piece is video controlled by software running on a PC. The software is comprised of a genetic program. Genetic programs are computer code that simulates the activities of genetic reproduction. The algorithm creates chromosomes, which are strings of genetic materials, and interbreeds and replicates these chromosomes to produce offspring. The chromosome is a string of 1’s and 0’s that are manipulated interpreted and bred by the software algorithm and stored in the computer memory. By using genetic simulation to edit the video the software creates an ever-evolving cinematic scenario.
This algorithm controls video stored in the computer or on laser disk. Two identical videos of the artist’s face while having an orgasm are displayed on videos facing each other. The genetic program produces chromosomes that represent each video to the software. These chromosomes are interpreted and control how each video is displayed, edited and played in real-time. The chromosomes set up relationships and responses between the two videos. Each video consists of the artist staring at the camera, the build up to orgasm, orgasm, decline from orgasm and starting again.
The video may be played at different rates of speed, over different lengths of time, looped backward and forward or as a still. The two videos are in relationship to each other but are not necessarily synchronous. For example one video may just be staring at the other while the other builds to orgasm. An orgasm may never be reached, the video may only repeat in a loop the build to that state. Each video may only stare at the other for long periods of time, one may stare at the other attaining orgasm or the videos may orgasm in synch, etc. The initial conditions of the software algorithm and its state at any given time determine the relationship and states of the video.